The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Resources Sandra Kushnir Resources Sandra Kushnir

Recognizing the Signs of Porn Addiction: A Guide for Individuals and Loved Ones

Much like any other form of addiction, whether it be substance abuse or gambling addiction, porn addiction can have profound and far-reaching effects on one's mental health. It can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety, and can even contribute to the development of more serious mental health conditions such as depression. Moreover, the consequences extend beyond the individual's mental health. Porn addiction can also have a detrimental impact on an individual's relationships, leading to issues such as mistrust, dissatisfaction, or even breakdowns in relationships. It can also affect one's overall well-being, causing a decrease in productivity, motivation, and satisfaction in other areas of life. The implications of porn addiction are indeed profound and necessitate attention and intervention.

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

Understanding Commitment Phobia in Men: Causes, Signs, and Pathways to Healing

Understanding commitment phobia is no simple task; it demands both empathy and patience. This is a complex journey that many men and their partners embark on together, one that is laden with challenges but that also holds potential for profound personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you are personally grappling with these fears or supporting someone who is, this post is designed to offer valuable insights, dispel common misconceptions, and present practical solutions.

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Resources Sandra Kushnir Resources Sandra Kushnir

The Advantages of Enhancing Trauma Therapy with the Engagement of Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs)

Overcoming trauma is an intensely personal journey, often marked by variations in experiences from one individual to another. For many individuals, this journey involves delving into a variety of therapeutic approaches designed to address the multifaceted emotional, psychological, and at times, physical impacts of their traumatic experiences. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in and recognition of the benefits of integrating medication management into trauma therapy. This integrated approach offers a comprehensive and holistic method of healing, addressing not only the mind but also the body. At the forefront of this integrated treatment model are the Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs).

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Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

Navigating the Path to Healing: Christian Sexual Trauma Therapy

Sexual trauma can be a deeply personal and isolating experience, particularly for individuals who identify as Christian. Young adults and adults grappling with the aftermath face unique challenges, such as reconciling their experiences with their faith. This process can be confusing and painful as survivors strive to understand their trauma within their religious framework. This post aims to provide supportive and informative guidance for those on this challenging healing journey.

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Resources Sandra Kushnir Resources Sandra Kushnir

Effective ADHD Therapist Near Me

ADHD isn't selective; it touches lives from the playground to the boardroom, impacting everything from daily routines to academic and professional achievements. But grasping the essence of ADHD and unlocking the door to tailored therapy can dramatically enhance life's quality. Check out this blog to learn more about what questions to ask a therapist when looking for specialized help for your ADHD.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How to Preserve Marriage When Going Through Difficult Life Event

The couple vows to nurture, protect, and grow the marriage. But sometimes, it is challenging to maintain a healthy marriage considering the children, work schedules, and other obligations. Every marriage encounters struggles; the vital thing to note is to face the hardships together.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

7-Healthy Daily Habits That Can Help You Stay Sober 

Being in recovery can be overwhelming. But recovery can also be a great opportunity to revamp your life and create some healthy habits that will help you stay sober. They’ll also help you live a healthier life, now and in the future. Consider adding these healthy practices to your daily routine to live your best life yet.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

The Five Love Languages: How They Show Up In Relationships

If you haven’t heard of the five love languages you may not realize how much it is affecting your personal relationships. Dr. Gary Chapman, the author of Five Love Languages, designed this book to help others more effectively communicate love. As humans, we long to love and be loved. With that in mind, everyone expresses and receives love differently. The five love languages are the different types of ways we all receive and express love.

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Parenting Sandra Kushnir Parenting Sandra Kushnir

4-Tips For Raising Happy Children

As a loving parent, you want nothing more than to see your children healthy, happy, and prospering. You can play a significant role in giving your child the guidance they need to find success at every stage of life. Read on for resources that can help you successfully raise your little one from toddlerhood to teenagehood.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

6 Ways to Help Isolated Seniors While Social Distancing

With older adults considered high risk for COVID-19, seniors may want to maintain social distancing. However, even when they can’t be together, families can still support their older loved ones. Here are six ways that you can prevent senior isolation if you’re social distancing.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Identify a Karmic Relationship

If you have ever experienced a bond that feels like a magnetic connection, but with a turbulent twist, you are not alone. Karmic relationships are filled with passion and pain, often at the same time.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Three Simple Ways to Find Calm and Nourish Resilience

Tame anxious thoughts, strengthen emotional agility and cultivate compassion and connection with mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is a gesture of kindness toward yourself, your family, and your community. Taking time for intentional rest, learning to build emotional agility, and connecting with your undefended heart are the skills that mindfulness practice teaches us.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Getting Over A Break Up: Re-vamping Your Space

When relationships end, people can experience a wide range of emotions, like sadness, anger, or even fear. Even when the relationship wasn’t particularly happy, people might still suffer its loss with feelings that could be best described as grief. It’s not uncommon for people who have recently broken up to feel relieved and enthusiastic about their future one day but might feel sad or even hopeless the next.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

An Introduction: Color Therapy and Healing

Color is there everywhere you look, and also everywhere you do not look. You delight in its marvels consciously plus subconsciously. The point has been you see color all the time, but how often do you think about its origins and effects?

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Resources Sandra Kushnir Resources Sandra Kushnir

5-Mental Health Myths

We live in a culture that perpetuates pleasant feelings. Everywhere we look, from social media to advertisements, to our friends and family, we only see people who appear to be happy, easy-going and feeling good. We are raised to believe that we should aim to experience as many uplifting, happy emotions as possible and to minimize unpleasant emotions.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Three Simple Ways to Find Calm and Nourish Resilience

Tame anxious thoughts, strengthen emotional agility and cultivate compassion and connection with mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is a gesture of kindness toward yourself, your family, and your community. Taking time for intentional rest, learning to build emotional agility, and connecting with your undefended heart are the skills that mindfulness practice teaches us.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

High Functioning Anxiety: How To Live With It

People with high functioning anxiety experience many typical symptoms of anxiety, such as excessive worry and fear, overthinking, and poor sleep. Effective treatment is available for all types of anxiety. This article provides an overview of high functioning anxiety, its symptoms, and the potential treatment options.

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