The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir

The Power of Hugs And The Fabulous Health Benefits

Are you a hug or a handshake kind of person? If you’re the latter, you might want to reconsider the power a hug can have on your health. We hug others when we’re excited, happy, sad, or even trying to comfort! Hugging is universally comforting and it makes us feel good. It turns out that hugging is proven to make us healthier, hastier, and happier.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

5- Reasons Why Traveling Is Great for Mental Health

Getting out of your home and seeing other places is one of the best ways to meet the world, but also to learn more about yourself as well. Getting away from your everyday environment is great for your stress level and your anxiety, especially if you work hard every single day and need some time off. That’s why traveling might be the best way to boost your mental health, but if you’re still not sure that’s true, here are five reasons that will tell you why that’s the case.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Should You Move After the Loss of a Loved One?

Although staying in the space shared with a beloved partner is a comfort to some, others can find it too hard. When that’s the case, it may make sense to move out and find a new space where you can get a fresh start. If you’re unsure, there are things you can consider that will help you determine whether you should stay in your home, or find a new space.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Own It: Up-Level Your Self-Esteem

You will never be someone you are not supposed to be. You may wonder why my life is like this, when in fact, flaws in all, you make your life the best it can be. All the past experiences and memories made have shaped your life. The thought may linger that it is for the better or the worse. But eventually, you make things happen if you want them to.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Relaxation Techniques: Tips On How To Reduce Stress

Relaxation is not only about peace of mind or about enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind and body as well. Relaxation techniques can indeed help you cope with everyday stress and even with stress related to various health problems, such as heart diseases, stress and pain.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Understanding Rape Scripts

There are mainstream preconceived notions that negatively reinforce what defines and constitutes rape, when in reality the victim often knows the perpetrator which creates more issues with trust and feelings of betrayal and confusion. Some may overlook nonconventional rape experiences and be overly dismissive and therefore the victim may not be diagnosed with PTSD or Rape Trauma Syndrome.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Understanding Cognitive Dysfunction in Mental Illness

Mental illness affects many people, but what most do not realize is that it does not just cause emotional problems – it causes cognitive problems too. The person with mental illness may find it difficult to think clearly, pay attention and remember.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Navigate Difficult Breakups

We have all been there. Whether you are the dumper or the dumpee, ending a relationship is

never easy. With breakups skyrocketing during the pandemic, there are so many unanswered

questions that are looming in our minds. There are endless “what ifs” that can never be


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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Episode 45: It's Not About Sex: Healing Intimacy Issues That Lead To Compulsive Sexual Behaviors

In this episode, I am joined by Andrew Susskind, LCSW who is an author, podcast host and therapist. He specializes in compulsive sexual behaviors. Andrew shares his experience working with clients struggling with these behaviors, his own journey to recovery and brings insight into what we can do to begin normalizing and healing these types of addictive behaviors through vulnerability and trauma work.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

4-Comfortable Sleeping Positions For Couples

We already know that in order for a relationship to last, two people have to be compatible with one another in most things. Their dreams, plans for the future and even sense of humor should match at least a little- but the same applies to sleep habits too.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Episode 44: The Journey To Becoming A Clinician

Nicole Anavim joins me to discuss her journey as a graduate student entering the field of Marriage and Family Therapy and discusses her experience and growth both personally and professionally.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Money Anxiety: Creative Ways to Alleviate Financial Stress

If you’ve lost your job in the last few months, you’re likely dealing with a layer of stress you had no way of planning for -- and searching for a new position doesn’t do much to alleviate your anxiety. Hunting for jobs is tough and comes with a lot of rejection, which can be overwhelming for many of us. It’s OK to wait for the right opportunity to come along, but there are always bills to be paid and life to be lived -- money is simply a necessity of life.

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Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir

4-Everday Self-Care Practices

Saying the body and mind are connected is old news. The Ancient Greeks tried to understand the mental wonder of emotions and their intricate connections to physiology. Experts worldwide have analyzed the mind and body connection since the beginning of time, and even recent science supports the notion that they are connected at the core. Still, many people question the benefits of practicing self-care.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Episode 43: Coping With Covid-19

Jillian Ziesmer, LMFT and LPCC joins me to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on our mental health. Jillian dives into easy to use coping skills that can be used to deal with anxiety or depression that might be coming up for you at this time.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Understanding Trauma Bonds In Toxic Relationships

Trauma bonding is a psychological response to a form of abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms an unhealthy bond with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing the abuse may develop extreme sympathy for the abusive person, which becomes reinforced by the cycles of abuse, followed by total remorse. Stockholm syndrome is one of a type of trauma bond.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

8-Top Supplements for Brain Fog

Can’t help but fall asleep during your Zoom meeting? Coffee just not doing its job anymore? It might be worth a shot to try out a few supplements for brain fog. Read on for our top picks that can help get you back to a clear mind.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Why Is Substance Abuse Among Older Adults Being Unrecognized?

As we get older, various medications and prescription drugs become important to our health. Whether you are enrolled in Medicare Part D or pay for these prescription drugs out of pocket, there is no doubt they play an important role in keeping us healthy. They treat a wide variety of illnesses, ailments and conditions many of us will deal with as we age. Unfortunately, some individuals will abuse these prescription drugs and they can become a problem.

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