The Wellness Diary
Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.
Toxic Positivity: It’s Okay To Not Be Okay
Toxic positivity refers to a pattern of behavior wherein a person adopts a lifestyle that engages in being positive at all points of time no matter what, because ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. It involves rejecting the negative triggers of your life, thus investing all your attention and energy into the positive stimulants. How come a lifestyle that sounds like a mental detox, be labeled as toxic?
5-Tips To Master Non-Violent Communication
Conflict resolution is a difficult skill to master. Especially in the context of romantic relationships. It requires a variety of skills and including but not limited to high levels of self-awareness, the ability to recognize and tolerate uncomfortable emotions, the courage to stand up for what you need while simultaneously empathizing with, understanding, and considering your partner’s needs. It also requires a social tact and the ability to communicate said needs in a way such that your partner will receive them instead of encouraging defensiveness.
How To Up-Level Your Conflict Resolution Strategies
You may prefer one of the conflict resolution strategies discussed over the others, all of these strategies can be used effectively in certain situations. For example, if the issue is minor and won't have lasting consequences, it may be in your best interest to accommodate the other party rather than to try to serve your own needs. However, if the issue is severe and will impact multiple people, it may make sense to choose a strategy with more assertiveness.
Boost Your Brain: 5-Vitamin Supplements that Help Aid Memory
The benefits of vitamin supplements are incredibly far-reaching. They can help aid bodily functions such as digestion, metabolism, and immuno-response. As science has progressed, researchers have continued to back the idea that vitamin supplements play a large role in. longevity. When combined with a proper diet, adequate sleep patterns, and daily exercise, a noticeable impact on life quality can be seen.
5-Simple Ways to Help Someone With Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal part of life, with everyone experiencing it to varying degrees. Anxiety is one of the things that has allowed the human species to survive and evolve, allowing us to assess situations and react accordingly to them. And while it is normal for everyone to experience feelings of anxiousness at some point in their lives, many people suffer from more serious and at times debilitating forms of anxiety disorders.
Do Women Face Greater Stigma For Addiction?
While men make up the highest percentage of people with SUDs, women tend to find it more challenging to quit drugs due to hormonal fluctuations. Despite the added struggles they still tend to be judged more harshly.
5-Uncomfortable Conversations to Have With Your Therapist
In therapy, if the client-therapist relationship is strong, it is much more likely that therapy will be successful and that the client will reach their goals. In fact, it may be the most influential factor in creating successful outcomes other than the overall skill and competence of the therapist themself.
Look and Feel Your Age (And Not a Day Older!)
Here are some tips that can help you look and feel like the best version of yourself, no matter how many birthdays you have seen.
4- Ways To Stop Projecting Onto Your Romantic Partners
Projection is the process by which we displace our own feelings, beliefs, values or unmet needs on to others. We do this most often and most intensely with romantic partners. Our mind tricks us into seeing our romantic interest as someone different than who they are. We see them as a “savior”- someone who can alleviate us from our own emotional distress.
The Skeletons in Your Mind
Jung was very well known for contributing new concepts to psychology that invoked a sense of imagination and symbolism, and simultaneously, an appeal to science and rational skepticism. Jung is probably best known for developing a framework to understand our conscious and unconscious by looking at it through a prism of archetypes and symbols as well as looking at our own past events to understand the present.
Coronavirus: How Does It Affect Communication Skills?
Does coronavirus really affect our communication skills? To answer this question, we look at how drastic changes in the home and business environments amid the COVID pandemic affect communication! Find out more today.
What Mindful Eating Can do for Your Active Body
What is mindful eating? How to practice it? What are the advantages it brings? If you’re an active person, keep reading - you’ll be surprised how making mindful eating a part of your daily diet can benefit your body.
5-Conditions Which Contribute To A Healthy Relationship
The past 40 years have yielded unprecedented knowledge about what we need in order to have “healthy” relationships. In this case, I use the word “healthy” to mean that it is a relationship in which there is a good chance that each person will have their emotional needs met and that the relationship has the potential for long-term happiness.
How To Sit With Negative Feelings
Unpleasant or more commonly known as “negative” feelings are often misunderstood and poorly handled in our culture. We are conditioned to believe that it is best to experience as many pleasant or “positive” feelings as possible and avoid negative feelings as much as we can. This principle misguided, because the entire range of our feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant can be of great service to our lives.
Ideas for Practicing Self-Care for Good Health
Self-care is a vital habit for all those seeking to live a healthy, sustainable life. Nowadays, the lives of many people are hurried and noisy. In such circumstances, feeling healthy and rested can be very difficult. When you’re stressed and burned out all the time, your health is bound to take a hit. The key is in practicing self-care. This term refers to a range of activities that nurture the body and soul. The intention is to restore health, enhance energy, and reduce stress.
COVID-19: How Humans Are Changing
There is little doubt that the global pandemic is going to change life as we know it forever. But how, exactly? Look out below for a few temporary – and sometimes hilarious – ways life has changed, as well as a few of the more impactful ways that the world will never be the same.
Work-Life Balance: What Can You Do?
There are ways you can make changes to your current work routine that enhance work-life balance. Nevertheless, it’s always ideal that you think about how your pursuits outside work will coexist with your workplace responsibilities before you apply for or accept a new job. Either way, work-life balance is primarily dependent on what you do and not just what your employer allows you to.
Tips for Living with Someone with Dementia
Seniors with dementia will see a decreased ability in memory, communication, focus, reasoning or judgment, as well as a decrease in their visual perception ability. Initially, those living with dementia are fairly independent. As the disease progresses, limitations become greater and the individual with dementia may no longer be able to live on their own.
VLOG: Covid-19 Impact on Mental Health and IVF Treatment
Dr. Vitaly Kushnir from Eden Fertility Centers in New Port Beach, CA sits down for a conversation with Sandra Kushnir, LMFT on the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic is having on individuals going through IVF. We are here to share ways to cope better with the feelings/stress that is coming up during this crisis.
How To Improve Your Memory By Yoga and Meditation?
For thousands of years, meditation has been practiced by people for their physical as well as mental well being. As per the researchers, meditation helps people in decreasing their anxiety and depression levels. With that, their pain tolerance also increases. Meditation helps in focusing on yourself by eliminating many thoughts apart from yourself. This process helps in memory improvement and self-awareness.