The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

Dreaming About Snakes: What is the Psychological Meaning?

Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, often believed to be windows into our subconscious. One of the most common yet unsettling dream symbols is the snake. But what does dreaming about snakes mean? From psychotherapy to Jungian analysis, this article explores the psychological interpretations and how these dreams relate to our emotional well-being.

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Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be

Embrace your unique identity and live authentically with our comprehensive guide. Learn how understanding your emotions and setting authentic goals can lead to personal growth and positive change. Discover practical steps to navigate external pressures, build resilience, and contribute meaningfully to the world

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Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

What is the Biblical Meaning of Snakes in a Dream?

Dreams have always held a significant place in biblical narratives. Throughout the Bible, dreams are portrayed as a medium through which God communicates with individuals. They are often seen as divine messages, offering guidance, warnings, or revelations about future events. Understanding the context and symbolism of these dreams can provide valuable insights into their meanings.

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Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

Navigating the Path to Healing: Christian Sexual Trauma Therapy

Sexual trauma can be a deeply personal and isolating experience, particularly for individuals who identify as Christian. Young adults and adults grappling with the aftermath face unique challenges, such as reconciling their experiences with their faith. This process can be confusing and painful as survivors strive to understand their trauma within their religious framework. This post aims to provide supportive and informative guidance for those on this challenging healing journey.

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