The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Living With Anxiety: What You Need To Know

Yes, living with anxiety is not easy. Almost, all of us have experienced or gone through a period in our lives when we felt anxious, stressed or feel like life has become unmanageable. It is normal to feel anxious during certain times in your life: before an exam, first date, difficult conversation or when in high-pressure situations such as graduate school. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Why It's Ok To Get Hurt: Life's Greatest Lessons

Our greatest growth often comes from the most difficult times in our life. Getting hurt is inevitable in life, especially when it comes to relationships. It's hard to always know how to cope and process everything when you are in the trenches of pain and darkness.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Vulnerability: The Leap Into The Unknown

Vulnerability means showing up and allowing yourself to be seen, speaking your truth and putting yourself at risk for rejection. It's saying "I love you" and not knowing how the other person feels. It's hearing that you have cancer. It's walking into an interview for your dream job. It's becoming a parent for the first time. It's facing someone that you have hurt. It's admitting that you struggle with an addiction or that your relationship isn't working anymore.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

The Narcissistic Relationship: Take Back Your Power

Narcissist's lack a coherent sense of self so they use environmental stimuli to feel worthy and powerful. They may seek out travel, expensive clothing, powerful jobs or beautiful partners to project to the world that they are worthy. Using life experiences, things and interesting stories about their lives to feel worthy and lovable. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Coping With A Loss: What To Expect And How To Recover

Going through the stages of grief can be one of the most mentally, spiritually and physically draining emotional experiences we go through as humans.  The loss of a person, relationship or a significant aspect of your life can trigger feelings that are so powerful and overwhelming, you may not know how to cope with them. 

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

The Commitment Phobic: How To Spot One And Protect Your Heart

Commitment phobia stems from unresolved childhood trauma and is an unconscious re-enactment of their internal conflict. Part of the psyche yearns for closeness, companionship, and love, while the other part is terrified of the responsibilities that come with a relationship. Being in a relationship with a commitment phobic is extremely emotionally draining and creates a confusing "push and pull" for anyone involved with them. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

It's The Little Things: Finding Time for Self-Care

In today's world is go-go-go, Monday-Friday goes by in the blink of an eye and suddenly it's the weekend.  

How exhausting is that?! At times, it can feel empty living this way, lost in the hustle of high expectations, to-do lists, and responsibilities. Stress levels can build up and cause emotional and physical responses such as anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.

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Corporate, Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir Corporate, Health and Wellness Sandra Kushnir

Finding Balance: The Emotional Side Of The Tech Industry

As a therapist, and also someone who has indirect exposure to this industry and "startup life" it has been fascinating, beautiful and terrifying all at the same time, to see the impact of tech unfold.

I have witnessed incredible innovation, forward thinking and action oriented positive change. While at the same time, seeing glimpses of another side, that might not be as wonderful and glamours on the inside. These high stakes positions often require endless hours of coding, stress and high-pressure situations that impact the well-being, family, friends and mental health of these forward thinkers. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Understanding Addiction: Lessons That I Have Learned From Working With Addicts

Most of us know someone directly or indirectly has been affected by substance abuse or addiction problems. Understanding why someone abuses substances or becomes addicted is very complicated because unlike depression or anxiety there is a belief that there is a choice, a choice not to use and to begin using in the first place.  

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Let's Get Real: Why It's Important To Talk About The Hard Stuff

Life is beautiful, there is so much to celebrate, be grateful for and share with others. 

Yet, life is life.

There are always going to be inevitable moments of pain and unimaginable suffering, for all of us. It's the beauty of the highest of the highs and the lessons hidden in the lowest of the lows which give us meaning and slowly shape us into the people we are supposed to become. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

The Perfect Fit: How To Find The Right Therapist

Making the decision to seek help can feel liberating and overwhelming all at the same time. Having the safe space to talk to a trained professional about your thoughts and feelings can truly help transform your life. The relationship between client and therapist is very unique, comforting and important. Knowing that there is someone in your life who not only is an expert but also truly cares about you and wants to empower you- feels good. 

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

4-Signs That You're Headed Towards A Break Up. 

Break ups are hard! When relationships come to an end, it's normal to experience feelings of grief. They can trigger buried experiences of prior losses but unlike a death- the person is still out there. It makes this loss different and at times even MORE traumatic. 

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