The Wellness Diary
Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.
Episode 9: Millennials And The Life Skills Epidemic
Episode 9: On the ninth episode of Guiding Compass, I interview Dr. Tekesia Jackson Rudd about how the lack of life skills and direction in life is impacting Millennials and leading to higher rates of anxiety, depression and the "snowball generation."
Episode 8: The Impact Of Trauma
Episode 8: In the seventh episode, I interview Dr. Carole Goguen about her work with client's with PTSD and complex trauma.
The Holiday Blues: When Thing's Don't Feel Merry
The holiday season is upon us! With all of the festivities, family time and traveling it's easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of all the emotional toll that this time of year can carry for many of us.It's important to acknowledge that despite all the holiday parties, joy and quality time that we get to spend with the people who we love, this time of year can also bring up feelings of loss, loneliness, depression and painful memories of people no longer in our lives.
Episode 7: Interactive Parenting And Relationship Building
Episode 7: Dr. Lisa Cohen about Parent-Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT) and how she uses play to help build and strengthen the relationship between caregiver and child.
Episode 6: Helping Men Embrace Their Vulnerability
Episode 6: Courtland McPherson, LCSW about his research and work with men, embracing vulnerability and helping challenge cultural perceptions of "male stereotype."
Mindful Living: Learning To Be Present In Your Life
Mindfulness is more than a 1-hour meditation class or a 10-minute guided recording on an app. It's a way of life, a moral compass and a change in perspective that can improve all aspects of your life including relationships, self-awareness, attunement to the environment and the ability to understand and regulate your internal experience.
Episode 5: Leaning Into Pain and Healing From Addiction
Episode 5: Jasmine Malekan, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist talks about the importance of "leaning into your pain" and sharing your truth as it apply's to recovery.
Episode 4: Understanding The Impact Of Work On Mental Health
Episode 4: I interview Brennan Fitzgerald, LPCC about the importance of work/life balance, meditation and mental health in the tech industry.
Going The Distance: What It Takes To Make Relationships Work
As technology has changed how we meet, communicate and date- long distance relationships have become a norm in our culture. Yet, there really hasn't been much discussion about how to navigate these types of relationships and the struggles that come up for couples who are trying to "go the distance."
The Power Of Projection: When You Can't See The Truth
Projection is a powerful thing. Probably one of the most powerful psychological and emotional qualities that sets humans apart from other animals. We project our thoughts onto paper and create stories, songs, and poetry. We project our ideas and create incredible inventions and we project our hearts deepest wishes, desires, pain onto others and relationships, all without even consciously realizing it.
Living With Anxiety: What You Need To Know
Yes, living with anxiety is not easy. Almost, all of us have experienced or gone through a period in our lives when we felt anxious, stressed or feel like life has become unmanageable. It is normal to feel anxious during certain times in your life: before an exam, first date, difficult conversation or when in high-pressure situations such as graduate school.
Episode 3: Spirituality, How To Find Meaning And Purpose In Your Life
Episode 3: I meet with Jude Weber, a life coach, and eating disorder specialist. We will be discussing the meaning of spirituality in our lives and how living authentically can truly transform your life.
Why It's Ok To Get Hurt: Life's Greatest Lessons
Our greatest growth often comes from the most difficult times in our life. Getting hurt is inevitable in life, especially when it comes to relationships. It's hard to always know how to cope and process everything when you are in the trenches of pain and darkness.
Vulnerability: The Leap Into The Unknown
Vulnerability means showing up and allowing yourself to be seen, speaking your truth and putting yourself at risk for rejection. It's saying "I love you" and not knowing how the other person feels. It's hearing that you have cancer. It's walking into an interview for your dream job. It's becoming a parent for the first time. It's facing someone that you have hurt. It's admitting that you struggle with an addiction or that your relationship isn't working anymore.
Navigating the Fine Line Between Self-Honoring and Selfish
If we are told that we are being "selfish" there is an automatic feeling that what we are doing something shameful. Our society sends us contradictory messages- we live in a individualistic culture that sets us up to fend for ourselves. While also judging us harshly, when we make decisions that benefit us or put our needs first.
Tapping Into Spirituality: A Connection With Your Higher Self
When you are in true connection with your purpose, things flow naturally and even the difficult things suddenly become less terrifying and instead become opportunities to create a deeper meaning in our lives.
The Narcissistic Relationship: Take Back Your Power
Narcissist's lack a coherent sense of self so they use environmental stimuli to feel worthy and powerful. They may seek out travel, expensive clothing, powerful jobs or beautiful partners to project to the world that they are worthy. Using life experiences, things and interesting stories about their lives to feel worthy and lovable.
Attachment Patterns: Understanding What Happens In Our Relationships
Our attachment style is formed in earliest moments of our existence, but it holds power over the rest of our lives, especially when it comes to how we function in our closest intimate relationships.
Coping With A Loss: What To Expect And How To Recover
Going through the stages of grief can be one of the most mentally, spiritually and physically draining emotional experiences we go through as humans. The loss of a person, relationship or a significant aspect of your life can trigger feelings that are so powerful and overwhelming, you may not know how to cope with them.
Episode 2: What To Look For And How To Choose a Treatment Program For Substance Abuse
Episode 2: Dr. Goldenberg will be discussing how to choose a treatment program, what questions to ask and what too look for.