The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

6-Warning Signs of Relationship Trouble

If you've been wondering if your current relationship is a healthy one, then that in itself is a sign that things are not as they should be. Here are some signs of a relationship that may be unhealthy or need some work.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Deal With Grief After A Suicide

Suicide is a death we can never plan for, despite if you know that your loved one may have struggled with the thoughts, the death is never foreseen or anticipated.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One: How To Make The Process Easier

Losing a loved one is something none of us know how to cope with. There is no instruction manual, no one right way to grieve. Some individuals feel symptoms of depression, while others feel numb. You may go through an entire range of emotions in a short span of time.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

6-Ways to Naturally Relieve Stress and Anxiety

As a young adult, there are so many people and things vying for your attention that at times, it may feel as though you are about to burst! This is enough to put anyone’s mental health at risk.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

4-Mindful Morning Rituals To Start Now

The way we start off our mornings can really affect how we take in the rest of our day. It can be really easy to get into a morning routine that feels like we’re on auto-pilot. Practicing mindfulness has been shown to decrease anxiety over time, so adding some sort of mindfulness practice to the mornings can have a positive effect on the rest of our day.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How Cycling Can Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety

 The psychology of sport has been imposed over the years and has shown its effectiveness to improve the performance of cyclists thanks to the work done with their demands and challenges, with their anxiety and stress.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Find Your Identity Being Multi-Cultural

During our early adulthood, we explore to find what our purpose is and create our own individual identity. Some of that identity is dependent on our gender, where we live, our social influences and what we do for a living. A major part of our identity also comes from our cultural influences and backgrounds.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

7-Ways to Become a More Intentional and Engaged Father

Being a father comes with responsibilities that many men don’t feel prepared to handle—however, they’re also responsibilities that they can only ever truly learn by experiencing. This life-changing role subtly asks each man to become the provider, teacher, mentor, and hero that their child needs.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

8-Simple Tips for Getting Into a Healthy Sleep Routine This Month

Sleep is like a good mattress—you never realize how good it is until you don’t have it. Interrupted sleep can be extremely frustrating for both children and adults. Not only can it leave you grouchy and fatigued for your day, but it can affect children’s mental development and behavioral psyche.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

3-Easy and Calming Thought Exercises You Can Do Before Bed

Falling asleep becomes such a challenge when we feel like our thoughts are racing at night, or we struggle with managing anxiety.  There are ways to quiet our minds and calm our bodies before bed. Following these three calming thought exercises before bed can make all the difference in strengthening our ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and get some good, restful sleep.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

3-Simple Routines For A Healthier Lifestyle

You have to dedicate time to work on your health. With small lifestyle changes like adding more exercise to your routine you can up-level your health drastically, you can even start with investing 50-60 minutes a week! If you include these 3 simple tweaks in your routine, they will start putting you on the right path towards better health!

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Create a Balanced Life in a Season of Chaos and Stress

You can’t wrap up all the loose ends at once, and you can’t expect everything to ever be perfect. Don’t set yourself up for failure and disappointment by setting unrealistic long-term goals on a short-term schedule. Instead, start with these five simple ways to steadily chip away at the disorder in your life.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

Episode 41: Addiction Treatment The Business of Rehab

In this episode, Sandra discussed the unethical aspects of addiction treatment. Sandra explored her experience working in the field and highlights some issues that arise from the lack of regulation in the substance abuse treatment industry.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

14-Quick & Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Tidy

 Keeping homes clutter-free and clean doesn’t have to be a drag, even if it’s not your favorite thing to do. And if you dread that designated cleaning day and the hours it takes away from doing more fun, relaxing activities, tackling a little bit each day’s the perfect trick!

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

How To Stop People Pleasing And Improve Your Well-Being

Taking steps to challenge this natural reflex of apologizing can support reduced anxiety, guilt and shame. Apologizing is the act of acknowledging “faults or failures”; however chronic apologizers need to redefine their thoughts and understand that not all they are apologizing for are THEIR failures, instead they need to practice gratitude.

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Sandra Kushnir Sandra Kushnir

3-Easy Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Meditating at Home

Life is full of distractions, especially if you are trying to get your meditation in while in the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose to meditate in the morning before starting your day or for a few minutes after getting home from work, it can make all the difference to try and eliminate some of those distractions at home.

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