The Wellness Diary
Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.
Why You Should Take Sleep More Seriously
Restful sleep has almost innumerable benefits for your mental and physical health. Many bodily functions are reliant on sleep, including metabolism, hormone production, work productivity, happiness levels and lifespan.
How Mindfulness Can Help You Feel Less Anxious
One of best ways to combat and control anxiety is to first understand it. Lets break it down so that you can understand your anxiety a little better, and hopefully help you learn how to manage it with a more mindful approach.
4-Tips to Decrease Stress As A Small Business Owner
Leaving stress unaddressed can affect how well you perform all the tasks necessary to keep your business thriving. If you’re running a small business, these tips will help you mitigate stress and become more productive:
Wide Wonder Podcast: Sandra Kushnir, LMFT Interviewed About U-NIFY LA!
U-Nify’s mission is to offer affordable workshops led by therapists, life coaches, spiritual leaders, and wellness experts. We believe mental health should be part of your everyday wellness routine, just like going to the gym, yoga or attending a meditation. Check out this interview with our founder, Sandra Kushnir, LMFT.
Episode 40: Understanding Commitment Phobia
Episode 40: Sandra discusses commitment phobia and the impact that it has on individuals and relationships. Sandra cover signs that you may be in a relationship with a commitment phobic person and what to do about it.
5 Simple Habits To Improve Your Mood
Life can be stressful! Learn a few simple habits that you can develop that can have tremendous impacts on your daily mood and overall sense of well-being. Let’s take a look at a few mood-boosting hacks to incorporate into your routine!
Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One: How To Make The Process Easier
Losing a loved one is something none of us know how to cope with. There is no instruction manual, no one right way to grieve. Some individuals feel symptoms of depression, while others feel numb. You may go through an entire range of emotions in a short span of time, which can be overwhelming.
Addiction Treatment: The Business Of Recovery
We really don’t understand addiction. There has not been much research done on it. We don’t know what treatments are the most effective, lasting and evidence based. Very few medical professionals specialize or even know how to treat an addict. Yet, there are treatment centers all over the nation that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. Some even claiming a cure in 30-90 days.
Boost Your Mental Performance: By Taking A Nap
Naps have the power to counteract the effects of sleep deprivation and give your brain a midafternoon boost. You can work a nap into your daily routine to increase productivity, creativity, and help you feel your best all day long
Episode 39: Intuitive vs. Mindful Eating
Episode 39: Robyn Goldberg, a registered dietician to discuss the difference between intuitive vs. mindful eating. Robyn explains how she teaches her client’s tool on intuitive eating and shares some insight on the importance of working with a registered dietician rather than a nutritionist.
Self-Care on a Budget: Affordable Gifts that Make You Feel Better
Sometimes, you just need to focus on you. For people with busy lives and lots of responsibility, it’s easy to get caught up in work and putting your own needs on the back burner. We all need to take time for ourselves to enjoy simple pleasures,
The Do’s and Dont’s: Luxury Addiction Treatment Centers
If you have heard about luxury rehab, you might be wondering what makes them so special. Do the amenities actually help with the recovery process? Are people who completed the program in a luxury center less likely to relapse? Is the cost that different?
Episode 38: Re-Connecting and Finding Each Other Again
Episode 28: Ira Israel joins me for a third interview about the impact of being disconnected as a culture. We dive deep into how connection to self and others is vital to emotional, spiritual and mental health.
Episode 37: The Magic Of Neuro-Feedback
Episode 37: Charlene Simpson joins us to share her neuro-feedback can be used in addition to therapy and medication to help decrease a variety of symptoms, both physical and mental.
Episode 36: U-Nify LA: Creating Connection
Episode 36: Sandra the owner of Meridian Counseling and the host of The Guiding Compass shares some of her insights and thoughts about connection, mental health and her new start-up U-Nify!
Pre-Grieving: A Terminally-Ill Loved One
Dealing with a loved one’s terminal illness can be overwhelming and exhausting. Many people experience a sense of pre-grieving, an emotion similar to but separate from bereavement, in the lead-up to a loved one’s death, which can be as difficult to process as grief itself.
Miracles of Recovery: What To Do When Treatment Ends
72,287 deaths from drug overdoses in 2017, 10’s of thousands of others dying of other substance abuse related causes, billions spent on educational campaigns, over a trillion dollars spent on a failed war on drugs and the problem continues to escalate. And the wicked little truth: virtually all in the treatment field see the need for long term continuing engagement, Aftercare, to reinforce and support the new ways of thinking and substance free life approach clients were introduced to in the professional setting.
Loss of a Loved One: When You’re Grieving and Tired of Not Sleeping
You used to sleep soundly. Then, a loved one passed away, and it’s been difficult to have a good night of sleep. Grief appears in many ways, and one way is sleep deprivation. Here are factors that contribute to your lack of sleep and what you can do about it.
Episode 35: Building A Life Worth Staying Sober For
Episode 35: I meet with my colleague and close friend Kaybe to discuss his journey to sobriety and the importance of building a life worthy staying sober for.
Helping Others: Aftercare Recovery
Anyone who has someone in their life struggling with addiction recovery may wonder what role they can play in their loved one’s recovery. One way family and friends can support a recovering addict in an impactful way is by helping them to get their lives back on track after their recovery.