The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Pre-Grieving: A Terminally-Ill Loved One 

Dealing with a loved one’s terminal illness can be overwhelming and exhausting. Many people experience a sense of pre-grieving, an emotion similar to but separate from bereavement, in the lead-up to a loved one’s death, which can be as difficult to process as grief itself.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Miracles of Recovery: What To Do When Treatment Ends

72,287 deaths from drug overdoses in 2017, 10’s of thousands of others dying of other substance abuse related causes, billions spent on educational campaigns, over a trillion dollars spent on a failed war on drugs and the problem continues to escalate. And the wicked little truth: virtually all in the treatment field see the need for long term continuing engagement, Aftercare, to reinforce and support the new ways of thinking and substance free life approach clients were introduced to in the professional setting.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Helping Others: Aftercare Recovery

Anyone who has someone in their life struggling with addiction recovery may wonder what role they can play in their loved one’s recovery. One way family and friends can support a recovering addict in an impactful way is by helping them to get their lives back on track after their recovery.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Preparing For A New Baby: When You Have A Disability

If you’re a parent with a disability, the challenges of caring for a baby can be even more daunting. Fortunately, a future parent who has a disability can prepare for the baby’s arrival to make sure the little one has everything required to remain happy, healthy and safe. If you have a disability and a baby on the way, read on for some important tips.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Episode 30: Become A Visionary

Episode 30: Nichomi Higgins, LMFT joins me in discussing the spiritual, mental and emotional road blocks of taking risks and following your dreams. She shares how to get over fear and manifest your dreams.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

The Game Of Love: What's There To Learn?

Romantic partners tend the be some of the most powerful teachers and bring us important lessons that need to be learned in our human experience. There really is no energy stronger than the energy of romantic love….

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