The Wellness Diary
Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.
How to Get My Husband on My Side: Navigating Conflicts with Your Partner
This comprehensive blog is designed to illuminate the path to fostering unity and harmony within your marriage. It offers insights, practical advice, and strategies to ensure your marriage doesn't just survive but thrives. It aims to bolster the bond you share, nurture the love you feel for each other, and help you navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of married life.
Understanding Commitment Phobia in Men: Causes, Signs, and Pathways to Healing
Understanding commitment phobia is no simple task; it demands both empathy and patience. This is a complex journey that many men and their partners embark on together, one that is laden with challenges but that also holds potential for profound personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you are personally grappling with these fears or supporting someone who is, this post is designed to offer valuable insights, dispel common misconceptions, and present practical solutions.
Understanding Love Bombing: Navigating the Waters of Narcissistic Abuse
Identify love bombing tactics and protect yourself from narcissistic relationships with our expert advice. Our resources guide you through understanding, confronting, and healing from emotional abuse. Visit our website to take the first step towards a healthier life.
4- Ways To Stop Projecting Onto Your Romantic Partners
Projection is the process by which we displace our own feelings, beliefs, values or unmet needs on to others. We do this most often and most intensely with romantic partners. Our mind tricks us into seeing our romantic interest as someone different than who they are. We see them as a “savior”- someone who can alleviate us from our own emotional distress.
The Impact Of Soul Mate Relationships Towards Our Personal Growth.
Whether that be romantic love, friendships, parents, siblings, co-workers. We only grow internally through experiences with others. I believe that it is important to reflect on and understand the meaning of the different relationships we have in our lives and to take a curious stance on understanding what they are meant to teach us in this lifetime.
Navigating the Depths of Connection: Friendship and the Quest for Your Tribe
Friendship. Some of the most significant relationships in life are our friendships, friends are soul mates who come into our lives to be mirrors that wake us up and help us grow into our full potential. Friends are the family that we get to choose and they become part of our tribe. Humans are wired to have connection and our friendships are vital to our mental and emotional health.
Navigating the Fine Line Between Self-Honoring and Selfish
If we are told that we are being "selfish" there is an automatic feeling that what we are doing something shameful. Our society sends us contradictory messages- we live in a individualistic culture that sets us up to fend for ourselves. While also judging us harshly, when we make decisions that benefit us or put our needs first.
The Commitment Phobic: How To Spot One And Protect Your Heart
Commitment phobia stems from unresolved childhood trauma and is an unconscious re-enactment of their internal conflict. Part of the psyche yearns for closeness, companionship, and love, while the other part is terrified of the responsibilities that come with a relationship. Being in a relationship with a commitment phobic is extremely emotionally draining and creates a confusing "push and pull" for anyone involved with them.