The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Spirituality Sandra Kushnir Spirituality Sandra Kushnir

The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be

Embrace your unique identity and live authentically with our comprehensive guide. Learn how understanding your emotions and setting authentic goals can lead to personal growth and positive change. Discover practical steps to navigate external pressures, build resilience, and contribute meaningfully to the world

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

5- Reasons Why Traveling Is Great for Mental Health

Getting out of your home and seeing other places is one of the best ways to meet the world, but also to learn more about yourself as well. Getting away from your everyday environment is great for your stress level and your anxiety, especially if you work hard every single day and need some time off. That’s why traveling might be the best way to boost your mental health, but if you’re still not sure that’s true, here are five reasons that will tell you why that’s the case.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

How To Reclaim Your New Year’s Resolutions   

We've all been there, starting our "new year, new me" chants and captions. We start out strong and somewhere along the way we lose our fire for our New Year’s resolutions.  However, with the start of a new decade, it's time to change up our patterns and try different tactics to stand strong and continue to honor our commitments and intentions for the next 10 years.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

5-Senior Friendly Tips for a Healthier Life

As people get older, they must take added measures to safeguard their well-being and stave off the physical and mental decline. Read on to learn about small but essential steps you can take to preserve your mind and body as you get older.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

How To Find Your Identity Being Multi-Cultural

During our early adulthood, we explore to find what our purpose is and create our own individual identity. Some of that identity is dependent on our gender, where we live, our social influences and what we do for a living. A major part of our identity also comes from our cultural influences and backgrounds.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

8-Simple Tips for Getting Into a Healthy Sleep Routine This Month

Sleep is like a good mattress—you never realize how good it is until you don’t have it. Interrupted sleep can be extremely frustrating for both children and adults. Not only can it leave you grouchy and fatigued for your day, but it can affect children’s mental development and behavioral psyche.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

3-Easy and Calming Thought Exercises You Can Do Before Bed

Falling asleep becomes such a challenge when we feel like our thoughts are racing at night, or we struggle with managing anxiety.  There are ways to quiet our minds and calm our bodies before bed. Following these three calming thought exercises before bed can make all the difference in strengthening our ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and get some good, restful sleep.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

3-Easy Ways to Eliminate Distractions When Meditating at Home

Life is full of distractions, especially if you are trying to get your meditation in while in the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose to meditate in the morning before starting your day or for a few minutes after getting home from work, it can make all the difference to try and eliminate some of those distractions at home.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Helping Others: Aftercare Recovery

Anyone who has someone in their life struggling with addiction recovery may wonder what role they can play in their loved one’s recovery. One way family and friends can support a recovering addict in an impactful way is by helping them to get their lives back on track after their recovery.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Clarity: The Quest

What keeps you in a state of brain fog is your thoughts that take up space in  your mind. If you could look into your mind, it probably would resemble a cobweb - one thought inter-twined with another, connected to another. Who would feel clear with all of that going on? The more you think about what to do, where to step, what direction to take, the less clear you become.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

2018 The Year Of Women: Starts With Men

It is undeniable that 2018 is going to be a year that brings a lot of change, hopefully for the better. It will be full of difficult conversations, hard truths, and unlikely heroes finally finding their voices. This is our year. The year for women to speak up, rise and finally fight for equality. However, the year of women- starts with men. It starts with creating the space for men to accept their vulnerability, understand and own their feelings and value relationships more. 

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

The Power Of Projection: When You Can't See The Truth

Projection is a powerful thing. Probably one of the most powerful psychological and emotional qualities that sets humans apart from other animals. We project our thoughts onto paper and create stories, songs, and poetry. We project our ideas and create incredible inventions and we project our hearts deepest wishes, desires, pain onto others and relationships, all without even consciously realizing it. 

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