Meridian Counseling

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4-Everday Self-Care Practices

Self-Care Strategies that Enhance Your Well-Being

Saying the body and mind are connected is old news. The Ancient Greeks tried to understand the mental wonder of emotions and their intricate connections to physiology. Experts worldwide have analyzed the mind and body connection since the beginning of time, and even recent science supports the notion that they are connected at the core. Still, many people question the benefits of practicing self-care.

Self-care and Mental Health are Connected

If you are not looking after your physical self, your mental health is probably not where you want it to be. Reserving the time to take care of your body can have a massive and helpful impact on your mental health, as self-care helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, anger, confusion, and other issues. Besides seeking help from experts at Meridian Counseling, try including the following self-care rituals into your routine.

Establish a Solid Sleep Routine

Sleep is fantastic, so why are so many of us getting so little of it? As per the American Sleep Association, 50 to 70 million American adults have some type of sleep disorder, with insomnia being the most common.

 Fortunately, you can retrain your body to get sufficient sleep by establishing a routine and following it. Practicing good sleep hygiene isn’t just about going to sleep and waking up at the same hours each day, but it has more to do with how you spend the hours before bedtime. Try limiting stimulants, such as nicotine and caffeine, and opt for soothing herbal teas before bedtime instead. Also, turn off the TV and any other electronic devices at least an hour before going to sleep to unhook your brain from its state of alertness.

Explore Healthy Stress Release

 Finding methods to release stress and anxiety healthily is imperative for self-care. Meditation, yoga, and hobbies like traveling, knitting, and gardening can help people brush off negative thoughts and stress. Think of these methods as exercise, for your brain. During these mindful practices, you will experience negative thoughts. However, by recognizing your thoughts, observing them, and returning your attention to your activity, you teach your brain to start dismissing negativity on its own. The more you practice, the easier it gets, and your brain will soon learn to disregard self-criticisms in your daily life automatically.

 You should also start saying no more often. A lack of boundaries only makes you more irritable, unfocused, and moody. However, the more you engage in self-care, the clearer you become about the need to protect your energy and time.

 Finally, deepen your relaxation by taking out the bath bombs, bubbles, oils, and scented soaps. You're not wasting time and water on yourself by taking a self-care bath — on the contrary! To get the most out of the ritual, use organic skincare and products, aromatherapy, and even light a few candles.

Take Care of Your Teeth

Dental health is highly correlated to mental health! Unhealthy habits around self-care can lead to self-neglect on this front. Knowing you're preventing any periodontal diseases and cavities feels good; having healthy teeth, no plaque, and perfectly aligned pearly whites feels even better. What’s more, good oral hygiene may reduce your chance of a heart attack or stroke: several studies have found that people who have poor oral health (e.g., gum disease or tooth loss) have higher rates of cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack or stroke, than those with good oral health. Addressing a dental health issue early on and working on a plan to reverse or prevent damage may not only prevent serious issues later on, but it will also contribute to feeling great and is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

 One of the most common dental issues is an overbite, also known as malocclusion. Depending on the severity of the overbite — which can vary from mild to moderate and severe — experts recommend different approaches. While this is a cosmetic issue, a severe overbite can create various problems, including jaw pain, discomfort, and speech issues. There are four common ways to correct overbite: severe overbite can be treated with surgery, while mild to moderate overbite can be solved with at-home correction treatments (Invisalign or aligners) or braces.

 It’s essential to get an orthopedist's opinion on this, so make sure you consult one if you happen to have this problem. Correcting dental issues is more than just changing the physical appearance of your smile; it will improve your overall health and well-being.

Self-Care Should Be Easy to Practice

 Self-care doesn't have to be time-consuming or intricate. If you're stressing over how to practice it, you're defeating the purpose. Instead, make sure you reserve time to do the things you love and that make you feel great. You won't regret it! Begin your journey to peak overall wellness with Meridian Counseling today. Call (323) 332-9905.

**** Written for Meridian Counseling By Kent Elliot. Kent is a retired architect with a passion for dogs, DIY, and universal design. After a stroke left him with mobility issues, he thought he would need to move out of his home and into an assisted living community. But, using his experience as an architect and with a little creativity, he was able to successfully remodel his family home instead. He created to share what he’s learned.