The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

What Kills Long Distance Relationships: Key Factors to Watch Out For

It is imperative to fully understand the potential pitfalls and obstacles that often result in the failure of long-distance relationships. Armed with this knowledge, couples can better navigate the trials that may come their way and work collectively towards maintaining their relationship's health and longevity. They can develop strategies to cope with the distance and build a stronger, more resilient connection despite the miles that separate them.

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

Understanding the 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding

Trauma bonding is a term coined to illustrate the deep, complex emotional connection that can often manifest between an individual subjected to abuse and their perpetrator. This unique bond is particularly prevalent in relationships where instances of abusive behavior are sporadically interrupted with moments of affection and tenderness. What is paradoxical about this bond is that it is not weakened by the abusive episodes, but rather, it is strengthened.

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Parenting Sandra Kushnir Parenting Sandra Kushnir

The Psychological Implications of Undergoing Infertility Treatment

Infertility is a deeply personal and complex issue, a silent struggle that affects millions of individuals and couples around the globe. It is an intricate problem that extends beyond the obvious biological challenges, reaching into every aspect of life and bringing with it a unique set of difficulties. For many, the journey through infertility treatment is not just a physical battle, but a psychological one, filled with a roller coaster of emotions such as hope, despair, anxiety, and determination.

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

10 Premarital Counseling Questions To Ask Your Partner

Premarital counseling encourages open and honest communication between partners, helping them understand each other better and solidify their bond. It assists in aligning their expectations for married life, ensuring that both parties are on the same page about pivotal issues like finances, family planning, career goals, and household responsibilities.

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

3-Harsh Facts about Long Distance Relationships

In our society, long-distance relationships (LDRs) are frequently romanticized, often depicted as powerful testaments of unwavering love that can surmount the formidable barriers of space and time. The image of star-crossed lovers, separated by distance yet bound by their strong affection for each other, is a popular narrative that paints a picture of romance and determination. However, for those who are navigating the choppy waters of LDRs, the stark reality is frequently much harsher and less glamorous than the stories we often hear.

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Relationships Sandra Kushnir Relationships Sandra Kushnir

Navigating the Path to Marital Bliss: Premarital Counseling in Salt Lake City

Premarital counseling offers couples a chance to explore key aspects of their relationship. This includes understanding each other's ways of communication, managing finances, exploring intimacy, and setting common family planning goals. It's a safe space to have tough conversations, guided by a professional. This proactive approach tackles potential issues early on, preventing them from becoming bigger problems. In turn, it helps couples build a robust, satisfying, and enduring relationship.

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