The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Should You Move After the Loss of a Loved One?

Although staying in the space shared with a beloved partner is a comfort to some, others can find it too hard. When that’s the case, it may make sense to move out and find a new space where you can get a fresh start. If you’re unsure, there are things you can consider that will help you determine whether you should stay in your home, or find a new space.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Miracles Of Recovery: Time For Change

Addiction is an equal opportunity destroyer of lives. Park Avenue or park bench, silk sheets or city streets, gay or straight, liberal, conservative or just don’t care politically, addiction touches everyone.  According to the latest statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse: 64 Billion is spent per year for addiction health care with another 520 Billion a year lost to addiction related crime, missed work and productivity. What isn’t included in those numbers is the pain and suffering the 10’s of thousands of families who lost someone to addiction felt.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Clarity: The Quest

What keeps you in a state of brain fog is your thoughts that take up space in  your mind. If you could look into your mind, it probably would resemble a cobweb - one thought inter-twined with another, connected to another. Who would feel clear with all of that going on? The more you think about what to do, where to step, what direction to take, the less clear you become.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

2018 The Year Of Women: Starts With Men

It is undeniable that 2018 is going to be a year that brings a lot of change, hopefully for the better. It will be full of difficult conversations, hard truths, and unlikely heroes finally finding their voices. This is our year. The year for women to speak up, rise and finally fight for equality. However, the year of women- starts with men. It starts with creating the space for men to accept their vulnerability, understand and own their feelings and value relationships more. 

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