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Understanding The Connection Between Allergies and Anxiety

Understanding The Connection Between Allergies and Anxiety

Chances are you or someone in your home have experienced allergies and the long list of symptoms that come with them. Recently studies have emerged showing a connection between allergies and anxiety.

The link between allergies and anxiety

When you’re sick, we can’t always take the necessary amount of downtime to recuperate. Having to perform in life or at work while ill or suffering from allergies can create additional stress on the body.

The connection between the mind and body is far from fully explored and we are still learning about these complex connections. Dr. Sandro Galea, an epidemiologist at the Boston University School of Public Health notes that the amount of evidence between various mental health issues and immune system dysfunction is growing. So much so that other health professionals say that ignoring the symptoms of allergies could also present obstacles in the future of successfully reducing or treating anxiety.

HVAC maintenance and allergies

The quality of an HVAC system and how well it works is measured by the Minimum Efficiency Recording Value rating (1-16). Your HVAC system is the first line of defense against allergens, so the higher the efficiency number is crucial to air quality management.

How often should you change your air filter

The idea behind an air filter is to remove particles from the air, thus improving your home’s air quality. In this process, your air filter becomes filled with particles, no longer allowing it to remove contaminants like dirt, allergens and pet hair. It is recommended to change your air filter every thirty to sixty days depending on the number of people in your home, how often people are there, and the number of pets. If you live alone with no pets or a vacation home you can wait six to twelve months to change your filter, if you have one pet you should change it about every sixty days if you have multiple people and pets in your home the filter should be changed every twenty to forty-five days.

Correctly maintaining your HVAC system is an easy and best way to cut down on your seasonal allergies. In addition to reducing your exposure to allergens, you also increase the life expectancy of your HVAC system and possibly reduce anxiety. 

Putting it all together

The links between anxiety and allergies that scientists are finding are getting stronger and more frequent. We do not know if allergies directly cause anxiety, but treating both conditions can possibly reduce symptoms of both. This starts with improving the air you most frequently breathe: the air in your own home.