Meridian Counseling

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Signs of Depression in Men


Depression is a significant problem in today's generation, especially among men. Women and children generally express their thoughts, but men, unfortunately, don't have the liberty to do so. No matter how much we sweep this topic under the rug, the fact is that even men are the victims of social stigma and stereotyping. Masculinity is often associated with not exhibiting their emotions.

 This very reason, the pressure of not being able to express leads to Depression in men.  It is a condition where a person's mental state is disturbed and are emotionally unstable. Depression offers no solace and promotes the feeling of hopelessness. It makes the sufferer angry, frustrated and irritated.

 Before discussing the treatment, let's talk about the most common triggers of Depression.


  •   Stressful life events which overwhelm a person's ability to cope up.

  • Loss of a loved one: Loss maybe of a lover or a close friend or a family member.

  • Life events like long term unemployment

  • Abusive and uncaring relationship

  • Long term isolation: Loneliness

  • Prolonged work stress: Working continuously for long hours and not having a personal life.

  • Alcohol use: Prolonged use of Alcohol can lead to Depression

  • Life circumstances like poor health, disturbed economic conditions, etc.

  • Low self-esteem: May result because of unsupportive friends and family members or just your mental state.

  •   Severe medical illness.

  • Personality: Some people tend to worry a lot about small things and making negative scenarios in their minds.

Depression drains your energy and hope for life, making it difficult to take the steps that will help you to feel better. So, let's discuss some easy steps and strategies that you can incorporate in your life to fight Depression.

 1. Find out the core reason: A doctor doesn't give prescription without knowing the main reason behind any disease and, a judge doesn't decide without examining the case situation properly. The same goes for Depression too. First, discuss your condition thoroughly. Find out the root cause. Only then can you start working on it cure it. For instance, if you are feeling sad on a particular day, then ask yourself, why such melancholy today? Is it work? Or has some incident that triggered your emotion? Or is it a person?

 2. Meet yourself where you are: Accepting yourself is essential. Depression is common. Millions of people go through it. The key to being free from it is to be open, accepting, and loving towards yourself and what you're going through.

 3. Feel the emotions: Suppressing your emotions and feelings is not the solution to cope up with Depression. It is only going to add more negativity to your already negative thoughts. So, feel the emotions and let them flow.   If you are having an emotional breakdown and want to cry, then cry. Cry for as long as you need to cry. But don't stay there. Get out of it after some time.

  If you suppress your emotions, then that feeling will stay with you in your mind. This might make you feel more disturbed. But, letting them out means you will end up burden-free.

4. Go in the opposite direction from Depression: OK, this might seem a little tricky to you, but this is very simple. All you must do is to do the exact opposite of what your depression voice suggests.

 For example- Suppose you are invited to an event and you don't feel like going, then understand that It is your depression voice which is asking you to stay home instead of going out. Now, all you have to do is get up, dress up, and show up. Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone and explore.

 5. Remove toxicity: If a person is a reason behind your disturbance and Depression, then you must remove him/her from your life. Your mental strength is most important, and nothing and no one should have a position above your mental health. If that person means so much to you, you can try and explain the situation as what they are doing to you. If this doesn't help, it is better to get out that friendship or relationship.

 6. Don't try to find alternatives: Rushing into a new relationship in the hope of peace can never help you to cure Depression. You need to focus on yourself first. Remember, self-love first.

 7. Give time to yourself: You should realize that getting free from Depression is not a one-day process. It will take time, effort, and love. You must give time to things. Just be optimistic and stay true to yourself. Lastly, as cliched as it sounds, repeat the mantra, this too shall pass. Working on your mental health is the only key to cure Depression naturally.

 8. Let it out: Share your problems and troubles with your closed ones. Spend some time with your friends and family. If you don't have a person to share with, write it all down. Be it your emotions, your mistakes, or your trouble, write everything down. This will help you feel less suffocated.

 9. Consult a psychiatrist: Yes, seeking help from a professional is essential. This can work wonders for you. Why therapist when you have your friends and family you may ask? Well, think about it, it is always more comfortable for you to express when you are given a no - judgment and confidential space. And, with this ideal space comes a professional. It sure can't get better than this.  And no, there is no shame or taboo attached in consulting a psychiatrist — none what so ever.

 10. Explore your hobbies: We all have a hobby. Hobbies make us feel happy and give immense satisfaction. This is a perfect way to give time to yourself. If you don't know what your hobby is, try different things like gardening, drawing, painting, etc.

 Author Bio:

*** Written by Emylee for Meridian Counseling. Emylee  is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.